


QI have a technical issue with my game. Can I ask questions regarding technical support?
AUnfortunately, we are unable to provide all our customers technical support from our official website. However, if you do have any technical issues, please contact us and we will try to find a solution for you.
QAre any other localized Frontwing titles available overseas?
AAll English-language Frontwing games currently available for purchase are listed under the 'Localized Games' section of our 'Games' page. We will announce plans for new releases here first, so check our 'News' page regularly for updates!
QCan I make an order for Japanese-language games/merchandise to be shipped to my country?
ASince these products are intended for sale only in Japan (marked 'Japan Sales Only'), we are unfortunately unable to deliver them overseas directly. However, some of our products are available for purchase worldwide through Tokyo Otaku Mode.
QI am a games distributor/ translator, and I am interested in contributing to the overseas release of Frontwing titles (listed under the 'Localized Games' section or otherwise). Where do I apply?
AThank you for your interest in our products. Please send us a message using our inquiry form, providing details of projects you have previously worked on.

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